Monetary economics after…

…the Global Financial Crisis by Giuseppe Fontana, Riccardo Realfonzo and Marco Veronese Passarella The article can be accessed from the website of the European Journal of Economics and Economic Policies: Intervention (go<a class="moretag" href="">Read More...</a>
By : Marco Veronese Passarella | Dec 5, 2020

Launch of the Italian Post-Keynesian Network

[Italian only] Intervista a Marco Veronese Passarella e Daniele Tori di Daniele Nalbone Partono da un approccio critico allo studio dei fenomeni economici e sociali, sulla scia dei contributi di Karl Marx,<a class="moretag" href="">Read More...</a>
By : Marco Veronese Passarella | Nov 27, 2020

The Modern Money Theory

Interview for Machina (Derive Approdi) [Italian only] Intervista a Marco Veronese Passarella di Giuseppe Molinari 18 novembre 2020 La crisi sanitaria ed economica che stiamo vivendo ha determinato la revisione del paradigma<a class="moretag" href="">Read More...</a>
By : Marco Veronese Passarella | Nov 18, 2020

The post-Keynesian school

Seminar series on SCHOOLS OF ECONOMIC THOUGHT, Rethinking Economics Pisa, Thursday 12 November, 16:30 (Lodon time). Download the slides (Italian only) Download the model R code (txt file)
By : Marco Veronese Passarella | Nov 11, 2020

The world is not for sale…

…Philosophy of money Saperi di Mare, Rosolina Mare, 11 Augusto 2020 Listen to the audio file (Italian only)
By : Marco Veronese Passarella | Nov 3, 2020

Which future…

…for government intervention and labour Debate: “La verità su MES, Recovery Fund e sentenza della corte di Karlsruhe”, 17 October 2020. My talk from min. 2:06:48 and from 4:08:21 (Italian only) .
By : Marco Veronese Passarella | Oct 17, 2020

How to address the crisis

Interview for Marx XXI [Italian only] di Francesco Fustaneo e Alessandro Pascale Marco Veronese Passarella, 44 anni, veneto, è docente di economia presso l’Economics Division della Leeds University Business School. Fa parte<a class="moretag" href="">Read More...</a>
By : Marco Veronese Passarella | May 17, 2020

1 May…

…A job for everyone Discussione con FEF Academy. Guarda il video su Facebook.
By : Marco Veronese Passarella | May 1, 2020

Bimets and SFC models

A few weeks ago, I bumped into this promising R package, named Bimets (for additional information, see here and here). It has been developed by the research staff of the Bank of<a class="moretag" href="">Read More...</a>
By : Marco Veronese Passarella | Apr 21, 2020

Looking for new routes

Interview for Collettivo Militant, 11 April 2020. Watch the video (Italian only).
By : Marco Veronese Passarella | Apr 11, 2020
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