Che Guevara, Maradona e Jim Morrison

[Italian only] Metaintervistina 30 – Writing Bad 1) WW: le metaintervistine sono nate per “intervistare” persone legate al mondo della letteratura, poi si sono spinte verso il mondo della musica e ora…<a class="moretag" href="">Read More...</a>
By : Marco Veronese Passarella | Feb 24, 2019

Frontiers of Heterodox Macroeconomics

The Cambridge Trust of New Thinking in Economics Frontiers of heterodox macroeconomics Thursday 28 March 2019 Downing College, Cambridge, UK – all sessions in the Grace Howard Room Introduction: In the past<a class="moretag" href="">Read More...</a>
By : Marco Veronese Passarella | Jan 18, 2019

The Theory of Monetary Circuit: Everything I know About It (More or Less)

Today is the anniversary of Augusto Graziani death. Graziani was one of the most eminent Italian economists of the Nineteenth century. He is the founding father of the macro-monetary approach named the<a class="moretag" href="">Read More...</a>
By : Marco Veronese Passarella | Jan 5, 2019

Supermultiplier, Innovation and the Ecosystem

Here is the paper that Matteo Deleidi, Riccardo Pariboni and I are presenting at the 22nd Annual Conference of the FMM (Berlin 2018) and the 59th Annual Conference of the Italian Economic<a class="moretag" href="">Read More...</a>
By : Marco Veronese Passarella | Oct 21, 2018

Keynes and Marx. Interview for Pandora

[Italian only] Sono trascorsi più di dieci anni dal 15 settembre 2008, giorno della dichiarazione del fallimento di Lehman Brothers, la più grande bancarotta nella storia degli Stati Uniti e avvio di<a class="moretag" href="">Read More...</a>
By : Marco Veronese Passarella | Oct 19, 2018

EAEPE Conference, Nice 2018

30th Annual EAEPE Conference, Nice, September 6-8, 2018. Go to conference website Download presentation slides Download the article Download program file (available soon)  
By : Marco Veronese Passarella | Sep 2, 2018

Developments in Economic Theory and Policy – Bilbao 2018

15th International Conference ‘Developments in Economic Theory and Policy’, Bilbao, June 28-29, 2018. Go to conference website Download presentation slides Download paper  
By : Marco Veronese Passarella | Jun 27, 2018

The God equilibrium

[Italian only] Lo so che siete tutti impazienti di sapere come va a finire con Marx, Sraffa e lo Spirito Santo. Però prima c’é un’altra cosa che vi voglio raccontare e che<a class="moretag" href="">Read More...</a>
By : Marco Veronese Passarella | Jun 15, 2018
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